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Lifestyle choices also happen to be incredibly diverse in that they can range from choosing to be healthy to choosing to pledge allegiance to a certain type of music, to even deciding on a lifestyle devoted to religion. With so many lifestyle choices, it is no surprise that people devote themselves to actual lifestyles on various degrees.

For instance, a teenager might become infatuated with punk rock and decide to devote themselves to that style. At this stage they can choose to simply listen to the music and wear the clothes, or they can embrace the lifestyle wholeheartedly by also dropping out of school, living on the streets, and stealing to survive. This may seem like an extreme example, but they can be found in just about every lifestyle choice.

Retracting back to the healthy lifestyle decision, some people may devote themselves to this lifestyle by simply eating better, while others might decide it entails running ten miles a day, lifting weights, and practicing yoga. Every single person has subscribed to one lifestyle or another at one point of their life, and most people generally touch upon quite a few lifestyles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5979370

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